BlackBerry shutting down BB10 store, paid apps to disappear on April 1

BlackBerry OS 10 has hung around longer than expected even after developers and top-tier apps have long moved away from the failed platform. While many intrepid and loyal BB10 users have tried to get by with sideloading Android APKs just to get by.
The inevitable is coming to pass, however, as paid apps on the BB10 will be gone by April 1. BlackBerry will continue maintainance and support until 2019, but it really is time to let go and transition to another platform. BlackBerry transitioned to Android way back in 2015, and then effectively sold or licensed off its hardware business to various players, the most notable of which is TCL whose revivalist KEYOne handset brings the best of BlackBerry's design and security while offering the Android ecosystem and all the apps and services that come with it.
Source: The Verge