Entries in best buy (22)


Apple iPad now available online at BestBuy.ca

Updated on Monday, December 20, 2010 at 10:34AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It is the hottest item of the year and arguably the most wished-for present this holiday season. Santa from Cupertino and all the dutiful elves in China have worked really hard to ramp up supply and now the iPad is now readily available and even more magical and phenomenal that you can order it online via BestBuy.ca

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Best Buy Canada to Launch Call of Duty: Black Ops at Midnight Opening Events 

Stores across the country open at 12:01 a.m., includes launch parties in Toronto and Vancouver
One of the most visually impressive and riveting first person shooter games we've seen, Call of Duty:Black Ops will finally hit stores. Best Buy will host midnight openings for the game.

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How to get your free iPhone 4 case

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

During the recent iPhone 4 launch, we found two things out. The first is that the Apple retail stores didn't have any stock of the free Apple bumpers that are supposed to come with every iPhone 4. The second was that the Apple stores still don't have any iPhone 4 cases so your best bet is to go to Best Buy where a limited number of cases and screen protectors are available. Now, how to get the free iPhone 4 case?


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Best Buy Canada will sell iPhone 4 on Friday for all carriers

Its unavoidable, this week is all about the iPhone 4 launch in Canada and at the time of this writing only Telus and Bell have confirmed that they will be carrying the iPhone 4 on July 30th. Best Buy, which sells phones from all the iPhone carriers, updated their page announcing that the iPhone 4 will be available in their stores on Friday.

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