Entries in BlackBerry Blend (3)


BlackBerry launching secure productivity bundle with Blend, BBM and VPN authentication

The other big announcement at the BlackBerry Classic event today was the launch of a secure productivity bundle for users. The subscription based bundle works for individual users within enterprises and gives them secure versions of BBM (BlackBerry Messenger), the new BlackBerry Blend for enterprise as well as VPN Authentication for a variety of devices. Pricing for Canada has yet to be confirmed.


BlackBerry to reportedly launch Blend with Passport

Reports have surfaced that BlackBerry will be launching its Blend service alongside the release of Passport this month. Blend has never been officially confirmed by BlackBerry but it has been rumoured multiple times already.

The software service is reportedly meant to bridge the gap between devices and other mobile devices. It is designed to let users access files and messages stored in their BB devices on other gadgets such as computers and tablets. The service will reportedly support calendar, BBM and SMS messages, emails, files, etc. Those who use Blend in a corporate environment with BES10 will also be able to access their company’s intranet with the use of a browser. It will also allow for backing up and restoring data. Blend will also supposedly support BB devices running OS 10.3 or later, Windows 7 and Mac OS X 10.7 or later, as well as iOS 6 and Android 4.4 or later.

Source: Ubergizmo


BlackBerry tipped to bring Blend feature to other platforms

BlackBerry has been known to keep their software exclusive to their platform but it seems they are finally learning to open up and their starting with a new feature they’ll be introducing. Called BlackBerry Blend, the function will reportedly let users access their work and personal messages, calendars, contacts, and the like as long as BlackBerry devices are connected. It will reportedly be part of the OS 10.3 update. It is also rumoured they will be bringing this feature to iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. What do you guys think about this? If the rumours are true, is this a feature you think you’ll be using?

Source: Ubergizmo