Entries in bq (2)


First Ubuntu-powered smartphone comes to Europe for €169.90

One of the bigger stories of 2014 was the coming of the Ubuntu Edge powered smartphone which was (theoretically) powerful enough to be used as a desktop when plugged into a monitor, keyboard and mouse. Then, news about the the project quickly evaporated, just like that.

Now we have news that the Ubuntu phone isn't just alive, it is coming to market as the Aquaris E4.5 Ubuntu Edition by Spanish manufacturer BQ (maker of phones and tablets). Selling in Europe for €169.90. The Aquaris isn't a flagship smartphone but a budget model with dual-sim capability, no LTE and a 4.5-inch display comparable to the Lumia 530 and Moto E range type of device.

Source: The Verge 


Ubuntu smartphones set for launch this year

Canonical has announced that Ubuntu phones from Meizu and BQ will be available internationally before the year ends. Also, two “household names” will reportedly launch their own Ubuntu devices by 2015. Canonical told Engadget the company aims to have the top 50 apps running on Ubuntu before the end of the year as well. There are no details yet on the kinds of devices but there might be more information at Mobile World Congress.