Entries in Brillo (2)


Google I/O: Google officially launches Brillo Internet of Things platform

Seems there was truth behind the rumour that Google was building its own Internet of Things operating system. Called Brillo, the operating system is based on a stripped down version of Android. It’s designed to run on as minimal specs as possible to make it work for devices as little as light bulbs. It makes use of a protocol for synchronizing data called Weave. It’s a cross-platform common language based on JSON, which will be made available to developers in the third quarter. What it does is Android devices will be able to detect IoT devices and offer to configure these automatically. It’ll work with devices no matter you’re using.

Weave documentation will be announced throughout the year and the developer stack will come out in fourth quarter.

Source: Wired + The Next Web


Google rumoured to be building Internet of Things OS

Rumours are going around that Google plans to enter the Internet of Things space with an operating system of their own. Called “Brillo,” the OS will reportedly only need as little as 32MB or 64MB of RAM to function, which is a departure from the 512MB needed by Android.

If there is any truth behind these rumours, this will help out OEMs who no longer need to design IoT communication schemes. This will also give Google a great position as backbone of the future smart homes. Next week’s I/O Developers Conference should clarify if there’s any truth to these reports.

Source: The Information | Via: Engadget