Entries in browsers (3)


Google's Chrome now most popular browser, overtakes Internet Explorer 

Google's Chrome 15 is now the most dominant browser beating out long-time leader Internet Explorer.  StatCounter suggests that Chrome 15 recently reached a total global market share of 23.6% compared to Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 market share of 23.5%. Internet Explorer still has the largest global market share if you combine all versions of the browser. Internet Explorer is the defaul browser on all Windows PCs and many users tend to stick to the browser already on their machines.

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Mobile browser face-off: Opera Mini vs Skyfire vs Safari vs Firefox vs Internet Explorer

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Ten years ago, the idea that we would be viewing complex webpages on our phones was preposterous. We didn’t have the screens, we didn’t have the broadband speeds and we didn’t have mobile browsers. Well, we didn’t have anything resembling a smartphone either.

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Mozilla Mobile revealed for Nokia's Maemo devices


Mozilla's popular Firefox browser has been released as a mobile version for Nokia's mobile platform. specifically the N900 device. According to Mozilla, the browser ports many of the features from the desktop version.

Nokia's release states the following list of features and benefits on the Maemo platform.

"Bringing Firefox to mobile devices is the next step toward fulfilling Mozilla’s mission of providing one Web that everyone can access, regardless of device or location. Secure, powerful, and customizable, Firefox is the most modern mobile Web browser available and is optimized for a mobile experience."

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