Entries in Cortana (21)


Microsoft has no plans to release Cortana to other platforms anytime soon

If you’ve been waiting to get Cortana on your Android or iOS device, then we’re sorry to disappoint but the digital personal assistant will not be leaving Windows Phone platform anytime soon. Marcus Ash, group program manager for Windows Phone at Microsoft, tweeted that the company prioritizes development of Cortana for Windows Phone products around the world. Cortana will reportedly make its way to China and the U.K. in the coming weeks. According to Ash, the company will only consider releasing Cortana to another platform once they’ve met all their objectives for Windows Phone platform are met. It is best you don’t hold out for hope that you’ll hear Cortana’s voice on your iPhone or Android smartphone in the near future.

Source: Ubergizmo


Microsoft to update Cortana twice a month


Microsoft is making sure its voice assistant stays up-to-date with a twice-per-month update cycle. The Cortana team at Microsoft told Engadget that the company even considers updating more than twice a month for things they consider "timely, urgent or especially badass." But you don't have to worry yourself about these updates. Microsoft intends for the updates to come in through the background to make the experience as seamless and painless as possible.


Microsoft launches Windows Phone 8.1 for developers

Windows Phone 8.1 is now available for developers. It features the biggest update in look and functionality to Windows Phone since Windows Phone 7 launched and includes the new Cortana Intelligent Personal Assistant which is said to encompass the entire user experience. Unfortunately, Cortana is a US-only feature for now. Also new is an Action Centre used to navigate notifications better and also an improved start screen tiled interface.

Registered Microsoft developers can get a taste of the future of Windows Phone starting today.


Microsoft's Cortana assistant screens leak

She's not only inspired by the voluptous AI from Halo, Cortana is Microsoft's take on the personal mobile assistant and their answer to Siri and Google Now. The Verge showed off some screens from the upcoming feature which will be omniscient and tightly integrated to the Windows Phone UX. Cortana is expected to be a learning assistant, it will note user patterns, pull contextual data as well as location-based information. Cortana is expected to be unvelied to developers in the upcoming Microsoft Build conference.

Source: The Verge