Entries in creative suite (3)


Artist's Canadian Mosaic Project focuses on 35,000 portraits of a nation

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

When photographer Tim Van Horn packed his belongings, camera gear and two dogs into a trailer, he set off for an epic art project. Called the Canadian Mosaic Project, Van Horn was inspired by the Canadian Flag and decided to create both the largest tapestry and the biggest portrait of a nation.

Tim Van Horn was in Toronto recently to continue his mission towards 35,000 Canadian portraits for Canada's 150th birthday in 2017. This number represents a seemingly miniscule .1% of the population of Canada but it will be the most comprehensive portrait ever created on the Canadian people.

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Adobe Creative Suite 5.5 now available

With a new subscription model and rent-to-own option as well as a bevy of new features Adobe's Creative Suite 5.5 is now available to the market. There is renewed focus on tools for designers and developers of smartphone and tablet applications as well as media rich solutions that can transcend platforms and screen sizes.

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Adobe launches Creative Suite 5

Adobe Systems Incorporated announced Adobe Creative Suite 5, a breakthrough release of the industry-leading design and development software for virtually every creative workflow. Focusing on interactivity, performance and maximizing the impact of digital content and marketing campaigns across media and devices, the Creative Suite 5 product line brings exciting full version upgrades of flagship creative tools while delivering significant workflow enhancements to designers and developer

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