Entries in CTRL-F (1)


Android app CTRL-F finds words from real-world documents with your smartphone’s camera

This new Android app is making it easier for you to navigate “real life” reading and research. CTRL-F helps you find words you need from a real-world document or book by taking a photo of said text. Using the app is pretty straightforward. Take a photo of the text and then the app analyzes this text to create a searchable version on your smartphone. After that, you can just search for said term and have CTRL-F highlight that for you. There are conditions to making this app work for you, though. You need to take a fairly-lit, focused, and straight photo. Don’t expect it to read weird fonts or bad handwriting.

CTRL-F isn’t the first of its kind with other scanning apps having built-in text recognition. But if you just want a single-purpose solution for finding text and don’t need to save your searches, you should check this out. Developers say there will also be an iOS version of the app.

Source: Lifehacker