Entries in ditches webOS (1)


Breaking News: HP dumps webOS, looks to spin off PC business

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
This is turning out to be one of the most eventful weeks for industry-changing tech news. HP just announced it is discontinuing operations of its webOS devices namely the recently released HP TouchPad and any of their Pre and Veer smartphones. This sudden news comes just 16 months after HP purchased struggling Palm and dovetailed operations of the two and turning Palm, and its team, into HP's mobile devices division.
The Palm Pre 2 and the TouchPad Tablet received tepid response in the market. When we spoke to them in June, HP was hoping to integrate webOS into all its consumer devices such as printers and PCs.
What is more suprising is HP's announcement that it is looking to spin off its PC business which may open it up to partnerships or even acquisition. Similar to changes that IBM went through some time ago, HP is looking to focus on business services and products.
Hit jump to get the lowdown from HP's press release.

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