Entries in Do Not Track (2)


Who's tracking who? NFB debuts interactive documentary at Tribeca Film Festival


By Sonya Davidson

How are we being tracked online? How is our data sold? What's happening? In a digital documentary series Do Not Track we can find out. The documentary is one of five works selected for the 2015 edition of Storyscapes, an annual transmedia showcase at the 14th annual Tribeca Film Festival in NY, running from April 16 -19, 2015. 

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Yahoo to stop support for ‘Do No Track’ requests

Yahoo recently announced that they would stop honoring Do Not Track requests. This technology works to keep sites from tracking users’ activity but it needs the third-party to agree that they would honor these DNT requests. The reason behind Yahoo’s decision is that they “fundamentally believe” the best online experience is a personalized experience. They would prefer their users use the privacy tools the company offers on their platform. It is going to be a bit tedious to tinker around with your settings on Yahoo but to continue using their services this would be your only recourse at the moment.