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Motorola's sale to Lenovo has been finalized


Just one day after launching its Nexus 6 device for former owner Google, Motorola is officially a part of Lenovo which now might be the third largest phone maker in the world. Lenovo will let Motorola do its thing as a wholly-owned subsidiary and will absorb Moto's employees.

“Today we achieved a historic milestone for Lenovo and for Motorola – and together we are ready to compete, grow and win in the global smartphone market. By building a strong number three and a credible challenger to the top two in smartphones, we will give the market something it has needed: choice, competition and a new spark of innovation,” said Yang Yuanqing, chairman and CEO, Lenovo. 

“Motorola is in great hands with Lenovo, a company that’s all-in on making great devices,” said Larry Page, CEO, Google. Okay....Hit jump for the official release and the nitty-gritty

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