Entries in Dropbox (34)


Dropbox for iOS now lets you rename files and folders

Dropbox is adding more functionality to its iOS app with its latest update. You can now rename files and folders as well as move files around through the app. There is a “more actions” button right beside the sharing button when you preview a file. From that three dot icon, you can find the options to rename or move a file. To rename a folder, simply swipe right on the target folder while in the list view and then tap the rename icon.

Source: Dropbox | Via: The Next Web | Download: Apple iTunes App Store (Free)


Dropbox now lets you edit docs with Office

Dropbox is now making it easier for you to edit files on the go with a new feature for both Android and iOS. The app won’t just let you view documents through Microsoft Office, it will now let you tap the edit button to launch Microsoft’s Office suite (of course you have to have it installed). When you save the changes, this automatically syncs to the cloud as well.

If you are, however, editing files on a Dropbox for Business account, you would need to have one of the following Office 365 accounts: Business, Business Premium, E3, E4, or ProPlus.

Source: Dropbox | Via: Android Central


Dropbox’s Carousel photo gallery app gets Web and iPad versions

Dropbox has brought its photo gallery app Carousel to iPad and Web. Now, you can access and share photos stored on your Dropbox account much more easily. It has been optimized for easier viewing online or on Apple’s tablet. They have also tweaked the design to make it easier to scroll through grid view and use lightbox and conversations. You can now double-tap to zoom in lightbox and the delete button has been repositioned for easier access. Unlike the iPhone and Android smartphone version, there is a landscape mode for all functions in the iPad. Dropbox says the Android tablet version will be coming out in two weeks.

Source: The Next Web | Download: Apple iTunes App Store (Free) + Web


Hundreds of Dropbox passwords leak online, third party blamed for breach

In what has been a month of monumental security breaches and cloud compromise stories, 400 Dropbox user names and  passwords appeared online yesterday in a leak purporting access to over 7 million accounts taken from Dropbox servers.

Dropbox, whose business model is anchored on secure storage of free and paid user information, denied that there had been a breach and instead pointed to a third party source from which the information was taken. Dropbox added that many of the said passwords are no longer updated or in use but cautioned users to consider using two-step verification when putting information up on the service. Hit jump for their statement.

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