Entries in email app (3)


Spark revamps iOS app, adds dark mode to all apps


Email app Spark adds a lot of new features to its iOS app, while introducing dark mode to its Android app. The iOS app gets rebuilt from the ground up to make it easier to use the app and read through your email threads. Spark adds avatar profile images so you can see at a glance which user or account sent you the message. You can now also customize your most used email actions and flow to the top those you use the most. Android users might not be getting these features yet, but like their iOS counterpart, dark mode is coming. You can read the full list of features available on this link.


Boxer introduces calendar and contact manager to mobile apps

Email app Boxer is bringing in some new features into its Android and iOS apps. The Android app can now be integrated with the newly introduced Calendar app from Boxer. Meanwhile, the iOS version gets the app rolled into the Boxer email app. Plus, they get a new contact manager as well. Let’s hope that feature comes to Android soon, too. The app is free for one account but if you want to link more, you’ll have to do so by purchasing it within the app.

 Source: Lifehacker | Download: Google Play Store – Boxer (Free), Boxer Calendar (Free) + Apple App Store (Free)


Google pulls Sparrow email app from App Store

Google seems to be shaking off more of its extra weight with the latest app it has pulled from the Apple App Store for iOS and OS X. The Sparrow app was a Google acquisition and like most of its purchases, updates have stopped coming in for the app. Google hasn’t made any official statements about the app being pulled. But you can see this as Google working to push Inbox forward and see how contextual email will work. Have you been a user of Sparrow? What will you miss about the service?

Source: TechCrunch | Via: SlashGear