Entries in Encryption (8)


Facebook reportedly thinking of using end-to-end encryption for Messenger

Facebook-owned WhatsApp already has end-to-end encryption activated by default on its messaging platform. And it looks like Facebook itself is mulling over the idea of bringing this into its own Messenger app. But unlike WhatsApp, end-to-end encryption will be a separate mode that users need to enable. The Guardian reports the opt-in approach is being taken with Messenger because having messages encrypted means Facebook will interfere Facebook’s machine learning, which is needed for its recently launched chat bots.

Source: The Guardian


Messaging service Viber now has end-to-end encryption and PIN protected chats

Followinfg in the stead of WhatsApp which introduced tighter encryption in its messages weeks ago, monster messaging service Viber is now inluding end-to-end encryption for its messages as well as PIN protected chats. In what is considered a direct result of Apple's recent debacle with the FBI regarding iPhone hacking and security, various messaging providers are enabling higher levels of encryption for their customers.

Viber has more than 700 million users globally across iOS, Android, Windows Phone, and desktop. “We take our users’ security and privacy very seriously, and it’s critical to us that they feel confident and protected when using Viber,” explained Michael Shmilov, COO of Viber. “Because of this, we have spent a long time working on this latest update to ensure that our users have the most sophisticated security available and maximum control over their communications. We will continue to make this an ongoing priority as digital communication evolves.”

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WhatsApp now encrypts all your messages

It doesn’t matter what device you’re running WhatsApp on, the Facebook-owned messaging service is using a “powerful form” of encryption to protect everything from photos, videos, group chats, to video calls. Android phones were the first to get “end-to-end” encryption back in 2014 but now it extends to iOS and other devices as well. This comes after the encryption controversy Apple and the FBI got into over an iPhone used by a suspected gunman. WhatsApp has already caused friction in Brazil earlier this year as a Facebook Inc. executive was arrested after the company said it can’t unscramble a user’s encrypted message.

The end-to-end encryption WhatsApp uses automatically encodes the message, which can only be unlocked by the sender and recipient. WhatsApp co-founder Jan Koum says he believes consumers have the right to easy-to-use encryption to protect themselves not just from hackers and identity thieves but also from “rogue” governments that spy on their own citizens.

Source: AP


FBI successfully hacks iPhone without Apple's help, drops case

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The question now is how the FBI managed to break into an iPhone as well as leaving many to wonder if there are vulnerabilities in the iPhone that can be exploited by the FBI or any other hacker.

FBI investigators have managed to hack the iPhone 5c which figured in their investigation of the San Bernandino shooting, the bureau did so without Apple's help.

In a filing submitted earlier the FBI said that they successfully accessed the data” on the phone. ”The government … therefore no longer requires the assistance from Apple Inc. mandated by the Court’s Order” that would have required Apple to engineers to bypass basic security measures that come installed on its iPhone 5c.

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