Entries in Eye-Fi X1 (1)


Eye-Fi to end support for X1 and X2 Wi-Fi SD cards by September 15th

In case you are still using Eye-Fi’s X1 and X2 Wi-Fi SD cards, now’s the time to look for an alternative. The Wi-Fi-connected SD cards that let old cameras connect to a mobile or desktop app will stop receiving support from Eye-Fi by September 15th. You won’t be able to use most services and they will no longer update the mobile and desktop apps that work with these cards. One of the reasons for the change is that the older products developed back in 2007 aren’t supposedly as safe and secure as the current wireless technologies. To help ease current customers into a new system, Eye-Fi is offering 20 percent discounts for the Mobi Pro cards they currently sell and support.

Source: The Verge