Facebook's F8 Developer Conference kicks off today

Mark Zuckerberg kicked off this year's Facebook F8 Developer conference which is available now as a live stream at f8.facebooklive.com. Focusing on the evolution of Facebook from a single application/service to a family of apps (they now own Instagram, WhatsApp, Oculus Rift and have Messenger), the social network needs to navigate the evolving waters of how people prefer to use the service.
"Going back five years, Facebook was about text and status updates. Now it is all about photos and fast-forward to the future, it will be video and maybe VR (virtual reality) and AR (Augmented Reality)," Zuckerberg stated during his keynote. Video, new user features as well as how Facebook can evolve and monetize its various properties for its developers will be some of the key points of this year's developer's conference.
Other announcements include expanded features in Messenger Platform to connect directly with businesses instead of calling them up by phone.