Entries in Facebook Messenger for Windows (2)


Facebook updates Messenger for Windows Phone

Facebook is playing catch up with its Messenger app for Windows Phone and has brought some nifty features already available on Android and iOS. Some of the new capabilities include the ability to share photos directly after shooting and the Groups tab. This tab lets users create, manage, and talk to multiple people at the same time. You can also pin groups to the Start screen for easier access to them. You can download Facebook Messenger here.

Source: The Next Web


Facebook drops the ax on Messenger for Windows

Facebook decided to withdraw support for Messenger for Windows starting March 3. PCWorld reports the social networking service did not divulge its reason for pulling support for the app. Facebook users on Windows though can still access messaging features on Facebook’s site. The messenger app is barely two years old and had been well-received by Windows users with over half of the ratings worth five stars.

But Facebook is pushing through with plans developing Messenger for Windows Phone. Perhaps, this is the social network’s way of transitioning to mobile.