Entries in Google Glass (22)


Google Glass goes mainstream, featured in its own sketch on SNL

Google Glass is currently being distributed to developers, testers and selected tech bloggers who are discovering te advantages of using a smartphone connected HUD (heads up display) with built in cameras and sensors. Saturday Night Live didn't miss an opportunity to include the experimental product in its Weekend Update with Seth Meyers segment where they proceed to mock Google Glass and its uses. Sill, any publicity is good publicity and the exclusivity of  the glasses (only being sold to developers who prepaid $1600 or given to preferred journalists) plus this humorous nod can only continue to push the idea of Google Glass into the mainstream.



Google Glass specs revealed

The $1,500 Explorer Edition of Google Glass, the new interactive eyewear computer from Google has started to ship to developers who pre-ordered the devices. Google Glass will interface vis Bluetooth with any mobile phone, it features a 5 megapixel camera, the screen will have a resolution of 640x360px and will be similar to looking at a 25-inch HDTV from eight feet away. Battery life is supposed to be good for a full-day's use and there's 12GB of usable storage space as well as Google Drive connectivity. Where's the headphones? Well, there arent any. Using an innovative bone conduction transceiver, users will get audio beamed directly into their inner ear via their skull. The age of the Cyborg has finally begun.

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