Entries in Google Glass (22)


Catch a glimpse of the Google Glass for the workplace

While not the final product, this is what the upcoming Google Glass “enterprise version” might look like. In an FCC filings published today, we get to see the Glass still have its prism, but it seems to be slightly bigger to expand the field of view of the device’s floating display. This time, though it also comes with a hinge so it can be folded and stored away easily. There’s only one image with the original nose bridge of Glass so we can’t say if that will be what the finished version will look like. Perhaps you can take it off the frame or there won’t be any frame at all?

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Google still working on Glass, screen-free version might be in the works

The first iteration of Google Glass died down unceremoniously. But Google isn’t giving up on the idea as evidenced by the rebranded Project Aura and the company taking in some of the unlucky laid off Amazon engineers. There hasn’t been that much details about the rebranded Google Glass project but we do know it’s still headed by Ivy Ross and there are three versions of it. One is an Enterprise Edition, another is glass-less version, and last is a “sport” model.

The Enterprise Edition is rumoured to already be used in some industries, while the glass-less version is believed to the version Italian eyewear brand Luxottica is working on. And the sport version is said to rely on bone conduction and focuses more on audio instead of visuals. One of these have been dropped though supposedly but we have no clue which one. Also it seems the goal now is more of an unobtrusive virtual assistant that isn’t as bulky as its predecessor. We just have to wait and see what Google is cooking up with this one.

Source: Android Community


‘GG1’ is the new Google Glass?

After what was deemed a rather unsuccessful outing for Google Glass, people deemed to have written it off. But Google isn’t ready to thrown in the towel just yet. Droid Life went through FCC listings and found a Google device with the code A4R-GG1. GG1 might be a giveaway but there is nothing concrete yet. But the hardware itself is rather telling. It isn’t classified as a smartphone, tablet, or media device but it packs in dual-band Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac, Bluetooth LE, and a built-in rechargeable battery. Plus, the aspect ratio of the display is rather similar to Google Glass’ display. Tony Fadell has plans to reimagine the wearable, we’re hoping this is the start of that and we get to see it soon.

Source: Droid Life | Via: Engadget


Google Glass is making a comeback with help of Luxottica

Eyewear maker Luxottica is known for brands like Oakley and Ray-Ban so it’s good to know that they’re playing a hand in Google’s controversial wearable device, Google Glass. Google may have pulled the plug on the Explorer edition of Glass but that doesn’t mean they’re going to stop trying. The company says another version of the device is being made under the direction of Nest boss Tony Fadell. And the next-gen Glass will be coming soon. Luxottica’s CEO Massimo Vian said preparation for version two of Google Glass is ongoing. We’re not sure when the official debut of said Google Glass iteration will be but if it means we’re getting a more stylish-looking wearable, then we’re all for it.

Source: The Wall Street Journal | Via: The Verge