Entries in Google I/O (32)


Google I/O attendees getting Moto 360 release notices for September 5

Coinciding with the news that Motorola plans to host an event involving smartphones, wearables and personal audio in Chicago on September 4, Google is touching base with Google I/O attendees who opted for the Moto 360 smart watch over the offerings from LG and Samsung. Saying that they 'would send out Moto 360s as soon as they became available," the notice earmarks September 5 as the deadline for these folks to send their mailing info, which just happens to be the day after Motorola's big product reveal at the Windy City. So, the most anticipated Android Wear device is likely coming to Google Play and other outlets soon after.



Samsung rumoured to unveil Android Wear smartwatch at Google I/O

Samsung is reportedly unveiling its take on Android Wear smartwatch at the upcoming Google I/O conference. Unidentified sources spoke to CNET to say that the watch will come in two flavours: one running on Qualcomm’s processors and another on Samsung’s own chips. The new smartwatch will reportedly be based on the Gear 2 Neo and Galaxy Gear.

Lending credence to the rumours, Samsung has filed for the “Galaxy Wear” trademark and there was an FCC listing that surfaced earlier this week that shows a smaller Gear smartwatch.


Leaked images show possible redesign of Android icons

It would seem Google is planning to introduce a new look for its Android icons at the upcoming Google I/O developer conference. Android Police obtained leaked documents that show a new look called Moonshine for the Android icons. It has a flatter look that seems to mimic what Google does on the web. Expect to see changes for all Google apps. But then again remember this is still a rumour at the moment so take it with a grain of salt.


Nexus Tablet photos leak ahead of Google I/O

Could this be the upcoming Google Nexus Tablet expected to debut at Google I/O this week?  As a report posted on Gizmodo Australia states, "the Nexus 7 tablet will feature a 1.3Ghz quad-core Tegra 3 processor, a GeForce 12-core GPU, a 7-inch display, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and 1GB of RAM. The ASUS-built device will apparently be available in two different models that vary by storage capacity — an 8GB version will launch for $199 and a 16GB model will cost $249."

Google I/O, which takes place June 27-29 in San Francisco and is the developer event for all things Google. Stay tuned for our remote liveblog here of the event and the corresponding announcements. Products released in previous Google I/O's include the Nexus smartphones, GoogleTV and the Google Chromebook.

Source: Gizmodo Australia


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