Entries in Nexus Tablet (1)


Nexus Tablet photos leak ahead of Google I/O

Could this be the upcoming Google Nexus Tablet expected to debut at Google I/O this week?  As a report posted on Gizmodo Australia states, "the Nexus 7 tablet will feature a 1.3Ghz quad-core Tegra 3 processor, a GeForce 12-core GPU, a 7-inch display, Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and 1GB of RAM. The ASUS-built device will apparently be available in two different models that vary by storage capacity — an 8GB version will launch for $199 and a 16GB model will cost $249."

Google I/O, which takes place June 27-29 in San Francisco and is the developer event for all things Google. Stay tuned for our remote liveblog here of the event and the corresponding announcements. Products released in previous Google I/O's include the Nexus smartphones, GoogleTV and the Google Chromebook.

Source: Gizmodo Australia
