Entries in hack (33)


Wikipedia co-founder gets his Twitter account hacked

OurMine, a hacking group, adds another high-profile social media breach to its list. This time they take over the Twitter account of Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales. On Saturday, a tweet on Wales’ account showed up saying “RIP Jimmy Wales, 1966 – 2016,” which caused people to speculate if something did happen to him. Minutes later though, another tweet shows up saying “I confirm that Wikipedia is all lies, OurMine is the true.” The tweet included a link showing the group’s logo as well as an ad for social media security services. Wales’ bio has also even been changed to read “hacked by OurMine.”

Some of the other prominent figures OurMine has hacked include some of the heads of the biggest internet/tech companies including Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg, Twitter co-founders Evan Williams and Jack Dorsey, and Google CEO Sundar Pichai. It seems Wales has gotten back access to his account and tweets about three hours ago: “I'm (obviously) OK, and tweeting back to normal.”

Source: Mashable


Niantic CEO’s Twitter account gets hacked

Niantic CEO John Hanke joins the list of high-profile Twitter users to get hacked. On July 31st, a series of tweets appeared on his feed with the hashtag OurMine. The hackers claim it came from Brazil, where his company’s game Pokémon Go has yet to be released. Interestingly enough, OurMine is an actual company that claims to assess social network account security—making it seem like the hack is a marketing stunt that encourages users to upgrade the security of their profiles. The public’s reaction to the hack though is generally negative as they claim it’s a poor way to get that message across or even to express any criticisms about the game.

Source: CNET


Anonymous calls out Donald Trump, declares ‘total war’ on him


Hacktivist group Anonymous have set their sights on Donald Trump once again. The group posted a new video recently declaring “total war” against the U.S. presidential candidate. They want to put a stop to his presidential bid by uncovering and exposing embarrassing information. Anonymous targeted him because according to the masked activist, “your inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States of America, you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideas.”

The collective is asking for help to bring TrumpChicago.com on April 1st. They’re using the hastag #OpTrump. And are also planning on taking down other personal and business sites owned by the tycoon as well as his online sites for his campaign. Anonymous has already posted unverified personal information on Trump and his staff, including his social security number.

Source: Engadget


Hackers dump Ashley Madison data online

Just in case things couldn’t get any worse for Ashley Madison, the site that encourages people to have extramarital affairs, here’s another round of bad news. The hackers, who call themselves Impact Team, have dumped over 10GB of the stolen data on the dark web. Those who got access to these said they’ve found some pretty juicy information. The hackers said they posted the data online because Avid Life Media, the parent company of Ashley Madison, refused to take the site down.

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