Entries in Donald Trump (4)


Over 2,000 Google employees join protest against Trump’s immigration ban

You can’t browse through any news site these days and not see news related to U.S. President Donald Trump’s executive order banning immigration in seven Muslim-majority countries. Even big tech company leaders are speaking up. But it isn’t just the leaders this time. More than 2,000 Google employees in eight offices in the US walked off their jobs to protest the immigration ban. They made use of the hashtag #GooglersUnite, where the employees tweeted photos and videos of the walkout activities around the world—including one at Google’s headquarters in Mountain View.

The protest happened after employees donated over US$2 million to a crisis fund that will be distributed to nonprofit groups working to support the refugees. Google matched the donation. The protest was organized by the employees but supported by Google. Both the company’s co-founder Sergey Brin and CEO Sundar Pichai spoke at the rally, with Pichai being quoted by saying “The fight will continue,” and Brin saying “it’s a debate about fundamental values.”

Source: The Verge


Amazon sells out printed copies of George Orwell’s ‘1984’

With truth seemingly stranger than fiction, especially in America, people are turning to literature and one classic is getting a lot of attention: George Orwell’s 1984. It’s hard not to think there’s a relationship between the cautionary tale about a brutal, amoral dictator and the first week of Donald Trump as president. Both hard cover and soft cover of the Signet Classics versions are sold out. And Penguin, the owner of Signet Classics, is looking to print more copies of the book. “We put through a 75,000 copy reprint this week,” a Penguin spokesman told CNN. That is a substantial reprint and larger than our typical reprint for 1984.” The book has also topped Amazon’s best-selling list earlier in the week. If you haven’t read it and this latest update has gotten you curious, the book’s Kindle version is available.

Source: BGR


Anonymous calls out Donald Trump, declares ‘total war’ on him


Hacktivist group Anonymous have set their sights on Donald Trump once again. The group posted a new video recently declaring “total war” against the U.S. presidential candidate. They want to put a stop to his presidential bid by uncovering and exposing embarrassing information. Anonymous targeted him because according to the masked activist, “your inconsistent and hateful campaign has not only shocked the United States of America, you have shocked the entire planet with your appalling actions and ideas.”

The collective is asking for help to bring TrumpChicago.com on April 1st. They’re using the hastag #OpTrump. And are also planning on taking down other personal and business sites owned by the tycoon as well as his online sites for his campaign. Anonymous has already posted unverified personal information on Trump and his staff, including his social security number.

Source: Engadget


Google Trends shows Americans want to move to Canada following Trump win

This tends to happen during the American election season. When a controversial candidate wins, Americans start to look for ways to move to Canada. Google Trends have tweeted and pointed out that following Super Tuesday and Trump’s win in seven states against other Republican candidates, the search engine has had the highest search for “Move to Canada” queries in the company’s history. The numbers have nearly doubled since George W. Bush was re-elected. The other data Google Trends was able to cull include Trump being the top search query for all seven states among the Republican politicians.

On the Democrat’s side, Hillary Clinton beat out Bernie Sanders to take out the seven states. But in terms of searches, Sanders and Clinton were pretty close except for Vermont where Sanders was more popular. If you’ve been following the U.S. Elections, you can see more interesting data from Google here.

Source: SlashGear