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Amazon sells out printed copies of George Orwell’s ‘1984’

With truth seemingly stranger than fiction, especially in America, people are turning to literature and one classic is getting a lot of attention: George Orwell’s 1984. It’s hard not to think there’s a relationship between the cautionary tale about a brutal, amoral dictator and the first week of Donald Trump as president. Both hard cover and soft cover of the Signet Classics versions are sold out. And Penguin, the owner of Signet Classics, is looking to print more copies of the book. “We put through a 75,000 copy reprint this week,” a Penguin spokesman told CNN. That is a substantial reprint and larger than our typical reprint for 1984.” The book has also topped Amazon’s best-selling list earlier in the week. If you haven’t read it and this latest update has gotten you curious, the book’s Kindle version is available.

Source: BGR

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