Entries in iCloud (23)


Apple takes on Office for iPad with iWork update

Apple isn’t sitting idly by as Microsoft introduced the new Office for iPad. The Cupertino-based tech company updated its iWork suite to share read-only documents and allow users to open iWork documents from iCloud webmail. Other cross-app updates include the ability to edit imported charts and a new editor tab. The updates are available on the Mac, iOS, and iCloud. Hit jump to see the new features on for iWork across iOS and OS X.

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The Apple Beat: iCloud strives for seamlessness

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

"We believe technology is at its very best when it’s invisible. When you’re​ conscious only of what you’re doing, not the device you’re doing it with…"  Apple's guiding principle behind all user experience as explained in the iPad 3 Keynote last year.

The best technology should be invisible, users needn't spend an inordinate amount of time setting up and most specially--troubleshooting devices or software to get it to work. It should just work and this has been the blueprint of Apple's iCloud ecosystem.

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Apple's MobileMe service goes offline on June 30

So, if you still haven't backed up, copied or downloaded all your photos, files, documents and websites on your MobileMe account, now might be a good time to do so. We're days away from MobileMe's closure so while it is easy to move accounts to iCloud, it will not be possible to access old files stored in MobileMe's servers. Here's how to deal with this.


MobileMe will be gone in 30 days

It's been almost a year since iCloud was introduced at WWDC 2011 and now Apple is sending out notices to MobileMe subscribers that they shoud "download their Gallery photos, iDisk files and move their iWeb sites" before the end of the month. Here's more information about the transition and how to best mover things along smoothly.