Entries in Instagram (245)


Instagram expands to profile pages for users

"We're launching Web profiles to give you a simple way to share your photos with more people and to make it easier to discover new users on the Web," Instagram said in a blog post.

The profile pages will give Instagram's 100 million users a way to directly view and appreciate their shared photos on the web. A long awaited feature, web profiles can't be used to upload or post photos since that would alter the mobile nature of Instagram's image sharing focus.

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Padgram 2.2 for iPad: Instagram viewer that maximizes social Interaction

Pinssible Labs today introduces Padgram - Instagram Viewer 2.2 for iPad, the newest version of their preferred app for Instagram use on the iPad. Unlike other options for Instagram viewing, Padgram offers an ease of tagging and interaction with other users for a better social experience. This application features tags in packages, making it effortless for users to add their favorite tags immediately. It also includes an extensive list of over 500 Emoji for a vivid commenting experience. 

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Instagram grows by 1,100% in 5 months. Yes, you're hooked

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Instagram, which is now owned by Facebook, is continuing its explosive growth. The photo sharing website is gaining critical mass at as steady pace. Instagram has boosted its user base by 1,100% since it was purchased in April by Facebook.

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Jazz 1.1 for iOS Creates Infinite Photo Styles 

GG Filmz today is pleased to announce Jazz 1.1 for iOS, an update to their powerful photo editor that easily generates a limitless number of looks for your photos. Developed by award-winning visual effects director, Ray Giarratana, Jazz improvises on any photo, offering four new interpretations at a time, at the touch of a button. With its 16 powerful filters, users can tweak any image-processed photo to achieve nearly any desired look, save their own style presets, quickly compare examples of before and after, and share or save photos.

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