Entries in Interactive age timeline (1)


Interactive timeline explains why time passes by quickly as you age

We’re already past the half year mark for 2015 and if you’re older, you tend to feel this more than if you were in your teens. Why is that? An interactive timeline made by Maximilian Kiener is there to explain the phenomenon to you. According to the timeline, the brain’s perception of time shifts as you get older, making it seem like time is moving faster than it really is.  So, the longer you live, the smaller a year becomes in relation to your entire life as a whole. The example given on Lifehacker is, when you’re five, a year is considered 20 percent of your life. When you’re 50, a year is only two percent of your life. Kiener’s timeline is based on the theory from philosopher Paul Janet. You can check it out here yourself, if you want this concept explained to you in an easier manner.

Source: Lifehacker