Entries in iPhone 6S ad (2)


New video shows ‘behind the scenes’ look at Cookie Monster’s Siri TV ad

If you’re like the many people who can’t get enough of Cookie Monster’s “Timer” TV ad promoting the iPhone 6s and its “Hey Siri” command, you now get a behind-the-scenes clip from it. The video shows alleged BTS shots from the original ad showing things like Cookie Monster getting hit in the head by a film slate. It even shows him finishing up all the cookies and wishing Siri good night at the end of the day. Timer is one of Apple’s most popular TV commercials as it has chalked up nearly nine million views already on the company’s official YouTube channel.

Source: Apple Insider


Latest iPhone 6S ad is all about power

Apple's iPhone 6S ads are usually more about functionality than specs but the latest ad titled "Ridiculously Powerful," pulls no punches and shows the whole range of powerful applications that the iPhone 6S can handle. More than pure specs, which other smartphones may have more of, the iPhone 6S is really about maximizing the hardware and software's potential. The ad cycles through various apps such as running, speed tracking, games, smart home control , photos, video, music and ApplePay among others.