Entries in iPhone OS 4 (3)


What to expect from Apple iOS4















By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We've been following the developments of the iPhone OS 4, now renamed iOS4, since the early betas were released for developer testing. This new iteration of the iPhone operating system is said to bring 100 new features, the biggest of which is multitasking or the ability to run third party applications in the background efficiently. We loaded iOS4's GM (Golden Master) and tested it, here are some of the things that we found.

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Apple announces iPhone 4, comes to Canada in July

Updated on Tuesday, June 8, 2010 at 10:15AM by Registered CommenterGadjo Cardenas Sevilla

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple CEO Steve Jobs took to the stage today  to start off the yearly WWDC (World Wide Developers Conference)  and warmed things up by announcing iPhone 4. The latest Apple smartphone,  has a new glass and aluminum enclosure, a highly improved 3.5 inch screen witha new 960x640 resolution, 326 pixels per inch (wow!), the same Apple A4 processor that ships on iPads and a front facing camera for FaceTime video calls over WiFi and eventually 3G.

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OS 4 brings multitasking, social gaming and mobile ads to iPhone 3GS

By Gadjo C. Sevilla

Apple recenly revealed plans to launch iPhone 4.0, the next iteration of its popular iPhone and iPad operating system. The update brings a number of features but most notable is multitasking, which allows for quick and efficient navigation between open applications without substantially affecting battery life.

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