Entries in Job Cuts (3)


Microsoft confirms layoffs as part of reorganization plans


After confirming that they were reorganizing their sales and marketing divisions, Microsoft has announced that it’ll layoff “thousands” of its workforce. It’s said that it’ll impact mostly sales jobs outside of Microsoft U.S. but the company isn’t specifying how many they would lay off. In a statement released to CNN Tech, Microsoft says they are "taking steps to notify some employees that their jobs are under consideration or that their positions will be eliminated. Like all companies, we evaluate our business on a regular basis. This can result in increased investment in some places and, from time-to-time, re-deployment in others."


More job cuts at Microsoft as it sheds its phone business

Just when you think there couldn’t anymore layoffs, Microsoft is restructuring further and cutting 2,850 more jobs. The company is in the middle of ridding itself of its Windows phone business and at this point they have shed almost all of its Nokia mobile phone business which they bought for US$7.2 billion back in 2014. Around 900 of the workers have already been informed of the layoff. This also comes on top of a 1,850 layoff back in May.

Instead of forcing people to use Windows phone, which the world hasn’t really taken to, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella is making their technology more available on the more popular Android and iOS platforms.

Source: Recode


Twitter to streamline workforce by cutting 336 jobs

Twitter has announced that it is cutting 336 jobs as part of a streamlining effort to set the company on course. 336 jobs represent 8 per cent of Twitter's global workforce and the job cuts will affect the engineering division.

The cuts come weeks after Jack Dorsey was appointed Twitter CEO. Twitter is doing well financially but has been having a hard time attracting new users, even as it has tried to diversify and add features to the service.

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