Entries in John Chen (5)


BlackBerry might be coming out with another Android-powered phone with a physical keyboard

While BlackBerry has shifted to software instead of hardware, it seems there is one more keyboard smartphone heading our way. BlackBerry CEO John Chen told Emily Chang of Bloomberg TV that there is still one keyboard phone coming and it might just be the last one the company builds in-house. The DTEK50 and DTEK60 were built by TCL. Before those two Android smartphones, there was the Priv. We don’t know yet what kind of smartphone BlackBerry plans to release, whether it’ll take the Priv’s design or pay an homage to the likes of the Classic.

Source: Android Central


BlackBerry plans to release two more Android smartphones

BlackBerry isn’t ready to give up on the Android market yet. According to its CEO John Chen, they plan on releasing two more Android-powered smartphones: one with a physical keyboard and another with a full touchscreen. Chen told Abu Dhabi’s The National that this would be different from the Priv will be mid-range devices. Chen admitted to The National that releasing the Priv was a misstep. “The fact that we came out with a high end phone [as our first Android device] was probably not as wise as it should have been.” It wasn’t well received by even the company’s enterprise customers who found the $700 USD price tag a bit too steep.

The new BlackBerry devices are rumored to be code-named Rome and the Hamburg and will be pushing for a sub-$500 price off-contract. It’ll be marketed as the only truly secure Android devices.

Source: The Verge


BlackBerry CEO says BB10 platform can run 98% of Android apps

BlackBerry continues to struggle for relevance in the mobile space dominated by Android and iOS. But according to the company’s CEO John Chen, it has one ace up its sleeve that might tip consumers to consider their products. In a recent interview with The Wall Street Journal, Chen said its latest BlackBerry 10 platform is capable of running 98% of all Android apps.

“Android’s strength isn’t really the quality of the phone, which BlackBerry has. BlackBerry phones are well put together. We have a great BlackBerry Messenger experience, a great operating system. And it’s the most secure phone. Secure not only in data, but in personal identity. Younger consumers love all kinds of apps, and BlackBerry runs 98% of all the Android apps. All BlackBerry die-hards know they can run Android apps,” Chen said.

Source: Ubergizmo


Breaking: BlackBerry terminates licensing agreement with T-Mobile

BlackBerry has decided to cut ties with T-Mobile and has terminated its licensing agreement with the  4th largest US Carrier. Things came to a head recently when T-Mobile encouraged subscribers to exchange their existing BlackBerry smartphones for new non-BlackBerry devices. BlackBerry CEO John Chen, who has proven time and again that he won't stand for his company being unfairly treated, wrote a scathing post titled "BlackBerry's response to T-Mobile's anti-BlackBerry campaign," where he lambasted "T-Mobile's clearly inappropriate and ill-conceived marketing promotion."

T-Mobile backtracked, tried to placate pissed off BlackBerry supporters with a neat promo but the damage was done. Here's an example of a gimmick that backfired in T-Mobile's face.  The final word, and this isn't an April fool's joke, although the timing is rather ironic, is that BlackBerry will not renew licensing on T-Mobile. 

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