Entries in Kaspersky (2)


Kaspersky: Financial malware is on the rise

PC security leader Kaspersky latest study finds a steady rise of financial malware where the number of cyber attacks involving financial malware in 2013, increased to 28.4 million - 27.6% more than 2012. This is partly attributed to the rise in cryptocurrency like Bitcoin, which has been targeted by unscrupulous hackers.

New methonds in financial malware include banking Trojans, keyloggers and two relatively new classes of malware – one that steals from Bitcoin wallets and another that downloads software to generate the crypto-currency.

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McAfee Leads in enterprise endpoint protection and threat detection 

McAfee  announced several market validations of its enterprise endpoint security technology, with independent proof of superior threat detection and endpoint performance, powered by a unique unified threat intelligence system and an integrated management platform.


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