Entries in language (2)


IBM introduces Swift Sandbox, lets developers write and execute code on their browsers

In tune with Apple's move to release the Swift iOS an OS X authoring language to Open Source, IBM has revealed the Swift Sandbox, a clever interactive website that lets you write Swift code and execute it in a server environment – on top of Linux in a cloud infrastructure.

Each sandbox runs on IBM Cloud in a Docker container. In addition, both the latest versions of Swift and its standard library are available for coders to use. For more on IBM's work on Swift, head on over to their page.


Learn Klingon with Duolingo 

Nope. This isn't an April Fool's joke. There will come a time when you will be able to learn Klingon online. Duolingo just announced that they'll be carrying a Klingon course. For those who don't know, Klingon is the fictional language on Star TrekIt was created by Marc Okrand. According to Duolingo the language is quite direct and mixes in sense of humour and "plenty of insults." It revolves largely around "spacecraft, weaponry, and warfare." Of course, we don't have to tell the Trekkies that. But if this seems to be something you'd be interested in. You can have Duolingo let you know when the course is up. Now, if someone can teach me Sindarin, that would be awesome. 

Source: Duolingo | Via: SlashGear