Entries in LastPass (5)


LastPass says some unauthorized login alerts were sent in error, no passwords were compromised

LastPass wants to assure its users that there has been no breach into its system. The statement follows reports that users were getting notified of unauthorized login attempts. Nikolett Bacso-Albaum, senior director of LogMeIn Global PR, initially said the alerts sent were related to "fairly common bot-related activity," involving malicious attempts to log into LastPass accounts using email and passwords bad actors sourced from past breaches of other third-party services. But they wanted to emphasize that the service wasn't compromised by an unauthorized party.

LastPass Vice President of Product Management Dan DeMichele sent a release to The Verge late Tuesday night with a detailed explanation of what happened, claiming at least some of the alerts were "likely triggered in error" because of an issue LastPass has now fixed.

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LastPass plans to accelerate new feature releases in 2022

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LastPass has been operating under remote desktop service LogMeIn for six years. But the company plans to turn LastPass into a standalone company. The aim is to speed up its growth as the company can dedicate resources to it. LogMeIn said one benefit will be faster feature rollout in 2022.

It isn't clear what features are coming, but LastPass has hinted at "faster, seamless" password filling, improved mobile app, and more third-party tie-ins for corporate customers. There should also be more support channels and a website redesign.

Source: Engadget


LastPass finally brings support for Android Oreo’s Autofill API out of beta

One of the more convenient new features that have made its way to Android Oreo is the new Autofill API, which made it easier to enter everything from usernames to passwords. It’s a boon for password managers. LastPass brought it onboard last August when Android 8.0 launched. However, it was limited to the LastPass Beta app. And now many, many months later, LastPass has finally decided the feature is ready for primetime. The latest version of the app (v4.4.1749) brings the feature to all LastPass users.

You’ll know if you get the feature as a pop-up shows up to let you know Autofill is available for you to use. You can access it from Settings under the Autofill option. You can choose to use the feature or stick with using Android’s Accessibility Services.


LastPass remedies fingerprint security flaw in Authenticator app on Android

LastPass fixes up an issue recently spotted by a developer that lets him bypass a security feature on the Authenticator app on Android. The app adds an extra protection that requires a fingerprint or PIN to access passwords when you leave your phone unlocked. So, if you use LastPass on Android, now is the time to upgrade your app. The password manager just released an update that fixes this issue and adds a one-time code when you first enable this added security feature.

On top of this, LastPass also got clued into how it needs to revamp its response process, too. The developer wasn’t able to reach the company to let them know about the exploit so he posted it on Medium. But the company assures that they’ve resolved this procedural issue to make sure they get these reports get to them in the future.

Source: Engadget