Google Maps’s Local Guides can start submitting videos

Google Maps has what it calls a Local Guides program, which lets citizens share accurate and detailed “user-generated content” about different places. There isn’t any monetary value to it but the Local Guides are given virtual points and badges for the work they do. Now to add more to what the guides can do, Google is rolling out a new feature to let guides share 10-second footage that can be shot within Google Maps. Contributors can also upload up to 30 seconds of footage if it was taken with another app and uploaded from the gallery. Google even shared some things you can shoot, including short reviews.
The videos aren’t showing up yet and it doesn’t look like they can upload from the web at the moment. Google hasn’t indicated when this feature would be live but since they’re asking the guides to submit clips, perhaps we should see them soon. The blog post detailing this new feature doesn’t indicate what the review process for the videos will be like but contributors are being asked to read the review policy and audio content policy. We also don’t know yet if this’ll earn guides more points.