Entries in Mac OS (16)


McAfee Leads in enterprise endpoint protection and threat detection 

McAfee  announced several market validations of its enterprise endpoint security technology, with independent proof of superior threat detection and endpoint performance, powered by a unique unified threat intelligence system and an integrated management platform.


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Preview! Office for Mac 2011 coming in October


LightSpeed 3.0, a powerful retail platform for single and multi-store operators 

Xsilva Systems Inc., (www.xsilva.com), maker of a comprehensive suite of easy-to-use tools for retailers, has released the next-generation of LightSpeed, creating a truly world-class application that leverages the superior business capabilities of the Mac.

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Amazon releases Kindle for Mac

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Amazon just released Kindle for the Mac which brings searching, buying and reading eBooks to the Mac OS. Customers who have Kindles can now sync and transfer books they own to their Macs. More information after the break.

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