Entries in malware (15)


Symantec study uncovers new threats to Android

According to Symantec's new study, In just the first half of 2011, the growth of mobile malware and the increasing boldness and strategy behind the threats are alarming. 

Symantec recently conducted an in depth analysis of the security features of Apple’s iOS and Google’s Android platforms, noting areas of strength and weakness in both. Symantec published a blog post detailing a staged download method used by two newly discovered Android threats, Android.Lightdd and Android.Jsmshider.

By borrowing the staged downloader strategy from their traditional PC cousins, these threats attempt to complicate infection to the point where simple uninstalls of the malicious apps are insufficient.

The blog post can be read here:http://www.symantec.com/connect/blogs/android-threat-trend-shows-criminals-are-thinking-outside-box 


SourceCode: Inside Next@Norton 2011 

Text and photos Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco, CA- Next@Norton is an annual meeting and product showcase that covers the latest security threats and trends, Symantec's new products and directions as well as gives tech journalists a chance to have first-hand access to developers, engineers and product specialists. This year's event was held in the W Hotel in Downtown San Francisco. An extensive day-long meeting composed of presentations and Q&A sessions revealed a number of interesting trends in today's security landscape, here's some of what we learned.

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Symantec: Android malware threat escalating

A recent study by Symantec claims that malware and viruse threats on Google's mobile Android OS are increasing. The malware makes it way to Android devices through popular free applications as well as unnoficial marketplaces not supported by Google. For a full list of malicious  apps hit jump.

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