Entries in Marvel Cinematic Universe (59)


Gwyneth Paltrow is ready to retire her Marvel character

Looks like Chris Evans isn't the only one ready to hang his Captain America suit. According to actress Gwyneth Paltrow's interview with Variety, she plans to retire her role as Pepper Potts after Avengers: Endgame. “I mean, I’m a bit old to be in a suit and all that at this point,” Paltrow, 46, told Variety. “I feel very lucky that I did it, because I actually got talked into it. I was friend with [Iron Man director] Jon Favreau. It was such a wonderful experience making the first ‘Iron Man’ and then to watch how important it has become to fans."

She has said she'd be open to doing cameos and the like. “I feel honored to be a part of something that people are so passionate about,” she said. “Of course, if they said, ‘Can you come back for a day?,’ I will always be there if they need me.”


Marvel pays tribute to the '90s with retro site for 'Captain Marvel'

Before there were social media and other more functional sites to help you create a website, there were the likes of Geocities, where you would spend many hours crafting these intricate, kind of gaudy (by today's standards) personal sites. To capture that era of the internet as well as the time Captain Marvel lived in, Marvel created a rather appropriate website to promote the upcoming film.
With the movie set in the '90s, we get a website filled with bright backgrounds, rather liberal use of pixelated GIFs for both words and images, and even the TV spot shown in a faux Real Player (which is cleverly renamed as Kree Player). Scroll down and you even see a site counter and a fake Guest Book. All the information about the movie is there, but it's just presented in a way that would certainly bring you back to the era.

Here’s our first look at a ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’ poster

The summer of 2019 might seem like a lifetime away but that’s creeping up on us and it wouldn’t be long before we get more details about what’s coming next for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And the one that will set the stage for what comes after Avengers 4 is Spider-Man: Far From Home. And we get a first look at a movie poster for the film courtesy of Brand Licensing Europe, a licensing expo where Sony Pictures is promoting its releases for 2019. While there isn’t much you can take away from it, it does remind us that the film is coming and it means we’ll get to hear more as we get closer and closer to the movie’s release.

Marvel’s head honcho Kevin Feige talked about this before about what the movie could mean for the franchise and MCU as a whole. He said, “Well, I mean, sure, let the speculation begin. That's always fun. We like [the title] of course because it ties into Homecoming, not just keeping that word going, which we like and we liked it more than Homecoming 2, but that notion of 'home' is a word that has dual meanings we'd like to continue with this [Marvel Cinematic Universe] version of Spider-Man. So, Far From Home has multiple meanings. Much like Ant-Man, there are things that people know about that movie, which is a great deal of the movie: the villain of the movie, the storyline of the film, that we're shooting in Europe and that Peter Parker goes on continuing that [Captain America: Civil War] was a big giant super hero class movie. The fall out of that in Homecoming was John Hughes and him going to his high school. So that's what's fun to us about the Spider-Man movies. And again going from Infinity War to Ant-Man and the Wasp, the tonal shift."


Marvel movies will stop coming to Netflix starting with ‘Captain Marvel’

The days of Marvel movies on Netflix are numbered. When Captain Marvel gets released next year, that will be the first Marvel Studios film to be offered exclusively through Disney’s upcoming streaming service. Ant-Man and the Wasp will be the last Marvel Cinematic Universe film to come to the service. As for the Marvel Netfix shows, these don’t seem to be going anywhere just yet. A Disney spokeswoman told The New York Times that there are “no current plans” to move these shows off Netflix.

This move is not surprising at all since Disney has long wanted to contend with Netflix and has even pulled out key Marvel, Star Wars and Pixar movies from the streaming network. Netflix is hoping that its huge investment in original content can counteract the loss of marquee content from big studios.

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