Entries in Medical Wearable Solutions (1)


CES 2016: EyeForcer helps keep your gadget-obsessed kids in check

An eye-catching (pun unintended) device unveiled at CES hopes to help you and your children out to combat what has been called GameBoy disease. The illness is said to cause headaches, blurred vision, as well as neck and back pain associated with too much time playing or using electronic devices. The solution? EyeForcer from Vancouver-based Medical Wearable Solutions. It all started with one parent and doctor, Medical Wearable Solutions Co-founder Dr. Vahid Sahiholnasab, and how he got frustrated with how his children spent too much time using gadgets.

The EyeForcer keeps track of kid’s posture and how long they spend time staring at a screen. If it deems your kid has been on it for too long or they start to slouch, it will shut down your device. While it can improve their health, we can’t say if it’ll do the same for your children’s moods. No word yet though on how much the device will cost or when it will be available.

Source: Cult of Mac