Entries in Microsoft SwiftKey (2)


Microsoft Bing's AI chatbot comes to the SwiftKey keyboard

Image: Microsoft

The latest Microsoft property to get its Bing AI capabilities is its popular mobile keyboard app, SwiftKey. When you click the Bing button on the top left side, you get three options: Search, Tone, and Chat. You can look things up while conversing with someone using Search. Chat will suggest responses that are in keeping with the messages you're responding to. And Tone will help keep things formal if you're replying to a work email. You can also access up to five chosen languages in the same release.



SwiftKey makes a comeback on iOS

Source: Microsoft

Microsoft's SwiftKey has made its way back to the Apple App Store. The company discontinued support for the keyboard back in October, but somehow it's back. There doesn't seem to be an update even if it's back on the App Store. But Vishnu Nath, Microsoft’s VP and GM of OneNote and the Office product group, encouraged fans to "stay tuned to what the team has in store." Pedram Rezaei, Microsoft’s CTO of its maps and local services division, said that the company will be "investing heavily in the keyboard."
