Entries in Microsoft (234)


Microsoft ushers in the end of the Windows XP era, what you need to know

Microsoft has supported Windows XP for a decade, that's a monumental task for the software giant and while Windows XP was a formidable and right for its time but is time to move on. No, really, here's what you need to know.

A lot has changed in the past decade since Microsoft launched Windows XP and Office 2003. Hardware is less expensive, devices are smaller, operating systems are faster and mobile phones are smarter than ever. In addition, the way we work has changed as well – we’re more mobile and more social in the workplace today than ever before. However, despite all of these advances, according to Stat Counter, nearly 21 percent of computers worldwide are still using Windows XP.

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Details released on upcoming Xbox One March update


The March update for the Microsoft Xbox One is expected to land soon. Ubergizmo reports that a beta tester of the new features talked about the new features Microsoft has included with the update. Some include the ability to disable Kinect hand gestures while watching videos, say a specific value by which to increase or decrease volume via voice command, and support optical audio.

The new update will also debut Twitch video game broadcasting app that will start streaming sessions with just the word “Xbox, Broadcast.” Party Chat will also be turned on by default. And a firmware patch is expected to allow the headset adapter to work well with the controller.


Facebook drops the ax on Messenger for Windows

Facebook decided to withdraw support for Messenger for Windows starting March 3. PCWorld reports the social networking service did not divulge its reason for pulling support for the app. Facebook users on Windows though can still access messaging features on Facebook’s site. The messenger app is barely two years old and had been well-received by Windows users with over half of the ratings worth five stars.

But Facebook is pushing through with plans developing Messenger for Windows Phone. Perhaps, this is the social network’s way of transitioning to mobile.


Microsoft to bring back Power and Close buttons in Windows 8.1 update

Microsoft has finally responded to the plea of keyboard and mouse users to bring back the Power and Close buttons in the Modern (Metro) user interface. Windows Phone Corporate Vice President Joe Belfiore said the return of the feature is meant to “bridge touch and desktop.” These buttons will be brought back to the top right corner of Metro apps.

Source: Gizmodo Australia