You can play 'Wordle' as a multiplayer board game soon

Source: New York Times and Hasbro
We have more Wordle news for you. The New York Times is partnering with Hasbro to bring the popular word game from the digital world to the physical one. They plan to release Wordle: The Party Game later this year. While the game online is a solitary affair, the companies want to turn it into a party game. One player will think of a five-letter word the others have to try and guess. When people make their guesses, the one who thought of the word will slide yellow and green tiles over the correct letters. You'll make your guesses with a dry-erase marker on a small dry-erase board. When a round is over, you can just wipe the board clean and start again.
Wordle: The Party Game will be launched in North America in October, with preorder kicking off on Thursday for US$19.99 (around CA$26). Shipping might start on October 1, but the game's website cautions that shipping dates are subject to change.