Entries in Nextbit Robin (2)


Nextbit's Robin is discounted to CAD $389.00 on Amazon.ca

Here's a deal for anyone looking for something unique in the smartphone space. The Nextbit Robin is discounted for Amazon Prime Canada subscribers and now costs $389.00 for the  32GB version. This is an innovative 5.2-inch smartphone that brings the tightest cloud integration thanks to a persistent connection to 100 GB of online storage. The deal takes off $110.00 from the Robin's retail price.


Nextbit Robin to start shipping on February 16th

Bucking the usual trend of gadgets taking too long to ship on crowdfunded sites, Nextbit has just announced they plan on starting shipment for its Robin handsets on February 16th. The Robin is touted as the first “cloud-first” smartphone, meaning it’ll offload apps and data to a free 100GB cloud storage bucket when not in use. These bits of information will then be restored when you need it. Of course, we can’t say how smoothly this could work in real life just yet.

Early backers get first dibs, of course, so the first 1,000 should get their phones first. These are the GSM versions though. The CDMA models will come out at a later, unspecified date.

Source: Kickstarter | Via: Android Police