Entries in Note 7 (2)


Samsung set to reveal causes of Note 7 explosions this Sunday

Samsung is set to reveal its findings during a press conference on Sunday related to the explosions of the recalled Samsung Galaxy Note 7, a device that the company was force to recall and discontinue the model which was considered to be one of the best smartphones in the market late last year before some units were combusting sporntaneously. The recall really hurt Samsung's brand as the Note 7 was not allowed on airplanes and various high profile incidents of explosions and fire made mainstream media.

Samsung will present its own investigation finding as well as results from "expert organizations" that conducted independent analysis of the Note 7 fires. 

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FAA warns passengers not to use Samsung's Galaxy Note7 in planes

Bad Burn: Samsung's Galaxy Note 7 is quickly getting noticed for all the wrong reasons. Owners of this device should return it or get a replacement from Samsung before more fires are reported.The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is warning users of Samsung Galaxy Note 7 smartphones not to charge or even use them in-flight. This is an escalation from recent reports that Australian airlines have banned the device after a series of fires and explosion incidents related to the Galaxy Note 7's battery.

On Thursday, the FAA said in a memo that it "strongly advises" passengers not to turn on or charge their Note 7s on board an aircraft and not to stow the phones in checked baggage. 


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