Entries in Opera (7)


Opera for Android introduces ad blocking toggle

The latest update for the Opera browser on Android will make it easier for users to toggle ad blocking on a per-site basis. Opera 50 for Android will come with a slider that you can flick on or off, so you don't have to think about things like whitelisting sites and the like. Aside from offering this feature, this update also brings picture-in-picture video support. 

Source: Engadget


Opera brings back VPN as a feature in its Android browser

Opera used to have a standalone VPN that was available to both Android and iOS, but the company discontinued it last April. The feature is making a comeback in the browser’s Android app, though. It’s currently available on the beta version of the app. It’s designed to make it harder for websites or internet service providers to track your internet use. Opera says they will not log information that travels through the service. The feature will let you choose which continent you want your virtual location to be in (Optimal option is set by default). You can also specify when exactly you want the VPN to apply. You can opt to have the VPN be activated when you’re in private tabs or have it disabled when you’re using search engines and you need access to more relevant information. It’s rolling out gradually to users of the app, so be on the lookout for it. There is no word if Opera will be bringing the feature to iOS.

Source: The Verge


Opera’s web sync service gets hacked

You might be one of the 1.7 million active users of Opera’s web sync service and if you are, now’s the time to change those passwords. The company announced that it has detected a hack in its sync system that may have given the hackers access to your login details. Not wanting to take the risk, Opera is resetting all sync account passwords and is also recommending to its users that they also change passwords for any linked third-party passwords just to be safe.

Source: Engadget


Opera buys Bemobi, a Netflix-like smartphone app subscription service

You might know Opera more for its data-saving browser but the company wants to create a name for itself in the app industry as well. They just bought Bemobi, a mobile app discovery and subscription service. Much like Netflix, you pay a weekly fee on your phone bill to access as many “premium” apps as you like. It’s a move that’ll help Opera expand in Latin America but there are global plans for the service as well. It’ll still operate under its own name but its English-language marketing site goes by the name Apps Club.

Source: Opera | Via: Engadget