Entries in Pixelmator (2)


Pixelmator integrates iOS 9 features in update

Pixelmator’s latest update readies it for the new iOS 9 features. The photo editing app now supports multitasking on the iPad by taking advantage of the Slide Over and Split View modes. It’ll only work on an iPad Air 2, Mini 4, and iPad Pro, at the moment though. The app also now has support for 8K-resolution images. It’s possible for you to copy these images to the iOS clipboard, too. You can now also open files from anywhere and save these in the same location with “Open in Place” or you can open an image from Photos and overwrite those files afterwards.

Source: Apple Insider | Download: iTunes App Store ($5.79)


Pixelmator image editing app now available for iPad at $4.99

Offering desktop-level image editing and layouting features, the mobile edition of Pixelmator (famously demoed a week ago at the iPad Air 2 launch event) is finally available for purchase from the App Store. Pixelmator's desktop edition has been one of the leading image editors offering easy to use, yet powerful tools without a lot of complication or features most users don't really use or need. Check out the iPad version here.