Entries in PlayBook (27)


Brand Finance: Beleaguered BlackBerry Brand loses $1 Billion in value

The latest analysis from Brand Finance plc. demonstrates that most leading Canadian brands are continuing to recover from the recession, with sustained increases in brand value since January. The combined value of the top 10 Canadian brands has now reached $47.3bn. However this is still a billion dollars less than the value of the world's most valuable brand, Google ($48.3bn).

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Video: BlackBerry OS 7 Launch Event in Toronto, Bold 9900 demoed

It was a big day for RIM as they unveiled three new BlackBerry smartphones in downtown Toronto as well as their BlackBerry OS 7. See our video from the event showing the new BB Bold 9900 demoing its new interface, snazzy new touchscreen and the new NFC (Near Field Communication) feature as well.



RIM cuts 2,000 Jobs, COO Morrison retires

This is the unfortunate news we all knew was coming. RIM has announced that it is cutting 2,000 jobs from its global workforce. Announced in a statement today, the BlackBerry maker stated that the 2,000 jobs represent 11 per cent of its total workforce.  RIM's lack of new smartphone releases in the recent months and the slow but steady sales of its PlayBook tablet have impacted the company's bottom line.

The company also announced that its chief operating officer, Don Morrison, is planning to retire, and that Thorsten Heins is taking on the expanded role of chief operating officer for product and sales. 
"We thank Don for his outstanding service to RIM. We understand and respect his decision to retire after successfully dealing with a serious medical challenge and we wish him a quick recovery," stated Jim Balsillie and Mike Lazaridis, Co-CEOs at RIM. "Don's presence at RIM will be missed, but our senior management and sales teams had already stepped up to manage Don's responsibilities since the commencement of his medical leave and we're confident in the ability of those teams to continue Don's tradition of success going forward."

Thorsten Heins is taking on the expanded role of COO (Product and Sales). All product engineering functions, including both hardware and software teams, are being consolidated under Heins' direction.

Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 and Adobe AIR 2.7 Available for BlackBerry PlayBook

Adobe announced yesterday the availability of updated plug-ins for Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 and Adobe AIR® 2.7 that support the BlackBerry PlayBook tablet. This coincided with the PlayBook system update a 304 MB upgrade devoted to  Flash and Air updates. In a related release, Adobe Flash Builder 4.5 and Flex 4.5 software was updated yesterday and enables developers to build applications for iPhone, iPad and BlackBerry PlayBook.

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