Entries in QNX (15)


Review: RIM BlackBerry PlayBook 

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

To say that we were anxiously anticipating RIM's BlackBerry PlayBook would be an understatement. Ever since Research In Motion made overtures that it would enter the tablet market, we were stoked at the possibilities. This is Canada's very own tablet, how could we not feel a tingle of excitement. Especially once we heard that RIM wasn’t going to make a BlackBerry Tablet (oh, thank, God!) but create an entirely new device that used a completely new OS. 

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SlideShow: RIM BlackBerry Playbook unboxed and compared


SourceCode: PlayBook Predictions

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The BlackBerry PlayBook is RIM's diminuitive yet dynamic 7" inch tablet that's a make or break product for the BlackBerry maker  shipping on April 19. This is a much awaited tablet not just for BlackBerry fans but for new tablet buyers looking into a non Apple and Android tablet option. We discuss our thoughts on the much awaited, incessantly hyped PlayBook.

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