Entries in Retina display (15)


Review: Apple iPad (2012)

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It's been two years since the original iPad was launched and almost a year since the iPad 2 made it to market. The third generation iPad brings a few mini-revolutions to the tablet space while maintaining the winning features that have kept the iPad the the superpower of the category it created. 

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iPad Event Coverage

Text and Photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

San Francisco, CA: Today's iPad launch event was everything that was expected and more. The buzz heading into the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts was palpable.  Hit jump for our photo essay.

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Apple confirms iPad 3 launch event next week

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple will have an iPad related event next week on March 7 at the Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (where iPad 2 was revealed a year ago).

The invite states 'We have something you really have to see. And touch.' This 'something to see' could be the much awaited Retina Display (4X the resolution of the current model) similar to the iPhone 4 and 4S' super dense screen.

As for the touch part...well there doesn't seem to be a physical home button on the image above which means that maybe we will see some functionality from the bezel a la RIM's PlayBook.

All will be revealed next Wednesday! So stay tuned.

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